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Add from eBay Watchlist

You can easily import auction items from your eBay Watchlist to your HammerTap account with one click.  This is a good way to add multiple items without going back and forth between our site and eBay.  We also recommend using our Snipe Tool to Add items directly from eBay.

IMPORTANT: For an item to appear on our watchlist import page, you must click on the Add to Watchlist button on the eBay item page. Only eBay Auction items will be displayed.


  1. Hover over or click into the Add Snipe box at the top of any page within your account and click the Add from Watchlist tab that appears.
  2. Scroll to the item you want to snipe and click the Add Button.
  3. Enter your Max Bid.
  4. Click the Save button.



Sniping Articles